Published 03 Aug, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. — International Vice President and Transit Director Jeff Brooks, at the request of, Senate Democrats Barbara Mikulski (speaking), Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Charles Schumer, and Patty Murray stood shoulder to shoulder with them during a press conference held at the Capitol on August 1.
The Press conference was called to discuss the impact on the livelihood of workers whose jobs and welfare depend on the transportation and infrastructure investments that are being made in the bipartisan Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill that was voted on immediately prior to the availability.
The THUD Appropriations bill received six Republicans votes in the Appropriations Committee, however, since that time Republican leadership actively fought against this job-creating bill.
The vote came one day after the House of Representatives removed their version of the THUD bill from floor consideration because moderate House Republicans and Democrats opposed the painful cuts that bill made to transportation investments that would grow our economy.