Published 18 Oct, 2013

The members of TWU Local 100 at the MTA in New York, have been fighting for over 21 months for the fair contract they deserve and they need our help.
Last October, when Hurricane Sandy devastated New York City, TWU Local 100 members were there day and night restoring mass transit. We’ve seen this story time and time again, when disaster hits, TWU members are on the frontline.
The time is now to send MTA a clear message that they must settle their contract with TWU Local 100. As with every employer across the country, the MTA has been crying broke, when the fact of the matter is they have nearly a $2 billion surplus! It’s time that the MTA recognizes the work and dedication of those on the frontlines, and does the right thing.
We Move America from New York City, to San Francisco, Houston, Miami, Philadelphia and beyond. An injury to one, is an injury to all. So when one TWU Local needs our help, let’s show them that we’ve got their back!
Sign our petition calling on the MTA to negotiate a fair contract for all TWU Local 100 members.