Published 15 Apr, 2016
Sisters and Brothers,
The Mechanic & Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees met with American Airlines the week of April 11 in Dallas. While the Joint Association reconciled each union’s agreements months ago, the company continues to pass proposals containing language that we feel is not in the best interest of our joint membership. Updates from both committees are below. Download M&R/Stores update Download Fleet Service update
Mechanic & Related/Stores Joint Negotiations Update
During this week’s sessions, your negotiating committee reached tentative agreement on the following articles:
- Leaves of Absences: After exchanging multiple proposals with the company we have reached a tentative agreement on this article.
- Part Time Employees: We have reached a tentative agreement on this article, which eliminates the article from the contract entirely.
During this session, we worked on the following articles:
- Hours of Service: We have exchanged multiple proposals on this article but remain far apart from a tentative agreement with the company.
- Meal Period: We have exchanged this proposal with the company and plan for it to coincide with the Hours of Service article.
- Sick Leave: We have exchanged proposals with the company on this article.
- Shift Swaps: We exchanged proposals with the company on this article, which is currently found in the IAM contract under “General and Miscellaneous” article.
- MCT Hours of Service: We exchanged proposals with the company on this article.
- MTS Hours of Service: We received the company’s first proposal on this article.
- Grievance Procedure: We are awaiting answers from the company on discipline and discharge procedures
The parties have agreed to the negotiations schedule below for the next three months:
Week of April 18, DFW | Week of May 16, DFW | Week of June 20, DCA |
Week of April 25, DCA | Week of May 23, DFW | Week of June 27, DFW |
Week of May 9, DCA | Week of June 13, DFW |
Jason Best | Mike Bush | Ken Coley | John Coveny |
Dale Danker | Mark Huffman | Bennie Martino | Gary Peterson |
Larry Pike | Sean Ryan | Jay Sleeman | Mark Strength |
Fleet Service Negotiations Update
This week, we exchanged the following proposals with the company:
- Leaves of Absence: The committee made the first pass and finally received a counterproposal from the company on this article. After several passes, we have made critical improvements to this article.
- Meal Periods: The committee passed the first proposal on March 23rd. Following six passes back and forth, the committee, after reviewing and making our final proposal, was also able to improve this article.
- Sick Leave: The committee presented the company with our initial proposal and we are awaiting their response.
- Temporary Employees: The parties have exchanged initial proposals on this article and have yet to reach an agreement. Our views on this particular article are at odds with that of American Airlines, and we are committed to continued negotiations.
- Hours of Service: The committee passed its proposal on March 24th and we are awaiting the company’s response.
The Fleet Committee reached tentative agreements (TAs) on the following articles:
- Leaves of Absence: The TA on this article is an improvement upon both current IAM and TWU agreements and addresses many of the concerns expressed by the membership.
- Meal Periods: The TA on this article is an improvement upon both current IAM and TWU agreements.
- Shift Differential/Shift Definition: The TA on this article was reached after multiple passes between the company and the committee.
Future Fleet negotiations dates and locations are as follows:
Week of April 18, DFW | Week of May 16, DFW | Week of June 20, DCA |
Week of April 25, DCA | Week of May 23, DFW | Week of June 27, DFW |
Week of May 9, DCA | Week of June 13, DFW |
Mike Baskett | Mike Fairbanks | Pete Hogan | Tim Hughes |
Mike Mayes | Steve Miller | Brian Oyer | Pat Rezler |
Art Risley | Andre Sutton | Rodney Walker | Bill Wilson |