Union Leaders Pursue Best Path to Restore AA to Preeminence
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 20 Apr, 2012 Fort Worth, Texas (April 20, 2012) — The Transport Workers Union (TWU), the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) and the Allied Pilots Association (APA) issued the following joint statement today: “On behalf of nearly 55,000 American Airlines front-line employees—including the 17,000 members of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, the…Read More…
An Important Message from US Airways CEO Parker
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 20 Apr, 2012 Dear Fellow Employees – Today, we filed a statement (a form called an 8-K) with the Securities and Exchange Commission disclosing that we have signed agreements with the three unions that represent nearly 55,000 American Airlines employees. These unions are the Allied Pilots Association (APA), the Association of Professional Flight Attendants…Read More…
APFA and TWU Protest AMR Bankruptcy at New York City Courthouse
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 23 Apr, 2012 Under cloudy skies this morning, over 700 union members gathered in New York City’s Battery Park to protest American Airlines (AMR) legal motion that seeks to abrogate their collective bargaining agreements. From across the country, flight attendants, fleet service workers, mechanics and others came to New York to voice their personal…Read More…
Justice for AAmerican Workers Rally
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 24 Apr, 2012 </div> <p style=”color: rgb(74, 74, 74);text-decoration: none;text-transform: none;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”>Nearly a thousand union members from across the country stood in solidarity near the U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse telling American Airlines, enough is enough as American Airlines seeks to eliminate collective bargaining agreements on the first day of American Airlines bankruptcy…Read More…
The Contributions of Today’s AMTs – AMT Day May 24, 2012
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 24 May, 2012 I want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank all of the Aviation Maintenance Technicians throughout the airline industry on this important day, National AMT Day. Over many years, your skills and dedication to detail and professionalism have produced the safest means of mass transportation in the world. For all…Read More…
AA Court Update
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 25 May, 2012 The hearing on American’s motion to reject the TWU collective bargaining agreements for M&R and Stock Clerks concluded on Friday, May 25. A summary of the proceedings is outlined below. During the trial, lawyers and witnesses for the TWU argued that there are a number of reasons why American’s motion should…Read More…
AA Update from Don Videtich
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 25 May, 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters: When the Company filed its motion to reject the collective bargaining agreements for all of its unions in the Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York on March 27, 2012, the TWU made several commitments to our members. First, in recognition of the long odds…Read More…
AMR Bankruptcy Update
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 17 Jun, 2012 As was stated in the Bankruptcy update posted earlier in the week, we engaged in negotiations with the company with respect to the Mechanic and Related and Stores agreements on June 11 and 12th in New York. These discussions were mediated by federal Judge Peck who requested that the substance of…Read More…
Special AA Bankruptcy Update – Judge Delays Contract Decision
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 21 Jun, 2012 Today Judge Sean Lane indicated he was postponing his decision on whether to reject the contracts of all three unions for at least a week pending the APA’s decision on whether to submit the Company’s LBO to its membership. In the interim there will be no changes in rates of pay,…Read More…
The July issue of the ATD-Insider is out
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 02 Jul, 2012 The Insider has several informative articles that can help members understand 401k plans and fees, stopping home foreclosures, and dealing with this summer’s heat. Local 550 Dispatchers recently signed a new agreement with Southwest Airlines, while Local 555 members protested Southwest at Midway Airport in Chicago. The AMR bankruptcy timeline is…Read More…