In The News
The TWU Applauds SCOTUS Decision Protecting LGBT Workers
Posted OnJune 15, 2020 byThe Transport Workers of America applauds the United States Supreme Court’s June 15 landmark decision that affirms sexual orientation and gender identity are protected characteristics under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. No one should live in fear of discrimination in the workplace based on who they are or who they love. It is…Read More…
Local 234 Bus Operator Thomas Shaw’s Testimony Before T & I House Committee
Posted OnJune 10, 2020 byOn June 9, Thomas Shaw, a Bus Operator and member of TWU Local 234 in Philadelphia, testified at the Transportation & Infrastructure House Committee’s hearing, “On the Front Lines: The Impacts of COVID-19 on Transportation Workers.” Click here to read his full testimony.Read More…
TWU Statement on Justice for George Floyd and National Protests
Posted OnJune 1, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 1, 2020 Contact: Denise Romano, TWU Statement on Justice for George Floyd and National Protests Transport Workers of America, AFL-CIO (TWU) International Administrative Council members President John Samuelsen, Executive Vice President Alex Garcia, Secretary-Treasurer Jerome Lafragola, Administrative Vice President Mike Mayes and Administrative Vice President Curtis Tate, have issued the…Read More…
House Passes COVID-19 Response Bill Which Includes Big Wins for TWU Members
Posted OnMay 18, 2020 byThe House-passed Heroes Act directly addresses the needs of TWU members during the ongoing pandemic. TWU strongly supports this legislation and is calling on the Senate to pass it immediately. This legislation is vital to our country’s efforts to contain and move past this virus, as well as to halt the free fall of our…Read More…
Surprise! Local 234 Member Honored on 50th Work Anniversary
Posted OnMay 8, 2020 byOn May 6, Local 234 member Russell Gardner got up, went to work at the NRG station and found a surprise waiting for him: SEPTA threw him a party in honor of his 50th work anniversary. Gardner, who is a Custodian, has only called out sick twice in his half-century career. “This is something to…Read More…
The Transport Workers Union Endorses Joe Biden for President
Posted OnMay 7, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 7, 2020 Contact: Travis Reuther, The Transport Workers Union Endorses Joe Biden for President Washington, D.C. – As transportation workers continue to suffer through the ongoing pandemic, we are all reminded of the importance of strong, pro-worker leadership at every level. More than 110 TWU members have died and another…Read More…
Posted OnMay 4, 2020 byTransport workers have been among the hardest hit groups in the country by COVID-19, with more than 8 percent of TWU members having died, tested positive, or been quarantined due to the virus. But throughout the pandemic, the TWU has launched fightbacks in cities across the country, winning critical protections for our members who are…Read More…
America’s Largest Transit Worker Unions Vow “Aggressive Action”
Posted OnApril 3, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 3, 2020 America’s Largest Transit Worker Unions Vow “Aggressive Action” If Transit Systems Don’t Protect Frontline Workers We are not cannon fodder. Dying is no way to make a living. ATU Contact: David Roscow, (202)487-4990 TWU Contact: Pete Donohue, (917)796-8176 WASHINGTON, DC: Two unions representing the overwhelming majority of U.S. transit…Read More…
The TWU Opposes the Senate Republican Stimulus Proposal and Demands Immediate Relief for Workers
Posted OnMarch 22, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 22, 2020 Contact: Travis Reuther, The TWU Opposes the Senate Republican Stimulus Proposal and Demands Immediate Relief for Workers In response to the Senate Republican stimulus proposal, the following statement should be attributed to John Samuelsen, International President, Transport Workers Union of America (TWU): “The Senate Republican stimulus proposal is…Read More…
COVID-19 Update from the TWU International Administrative Council
Posted OnMarch 20, 2020 byMarch 19, 2020 Dear TWU local leaders and members, As we all continue to grapple with the unprecedented public health and economic crises caused by the coronavirus, I wanted to reach out to brief you on the efforts which the International has been making on behalf of our members’ health, safety, and economic welfare. I…Read More…