Rail Blog
Local 1460 Tells Amtrak President Anderson: Stop the #ColdCuts and Stop Cutting Our Jobs!
Posted OnMay 31, 2018 byLocal 1460 President Amy Griffin spent May 31 and June 1 on the ground talking to members, letting them know about Amtrak President Richard Anderson’s plans to cut dining car service from the Lake Shore Limited and Capitol Limited lines, beginning June 1. Griffin was joined by Unite Here General Chair Dwayne Bateman, who stressed…Read More…
Amtrak Service Workers Council Denounces Dining Car Service Cuts
Posted OnMay 29, 2018 byMay 29, 2018 Contact: John Feltz (732) 567-5262 Amtrak Service Workers Council Denounces Dining Car Service Cuts Transport Workers Union, UNITE-HERE, TCU-IAM The Amtrak Service Workers Council (ASWC) denounces Amtrak’s plan to cut dining car service from the Lake Shore Limited and Capitol Limited routes, beginning Friday June 1. We pledge to do everything in…Read More…
Ratification of Amtrak Agreement
Posted OnMarch 2, 2018 byThe TWU JCC Carmen/Coach Cleaners and TWU ASWC/OBS voted overwhelmingly to ratify the Amtrak Agreement, with 97 percent of the Carmen/Coach Cleaners and 94 percent of the ASWC/OBS members voting in favor of the agreement. Union leadership called the vote a solid display of confidence in the agreement and thank the members for their support.Read More…
TWU Members in Railroad Brotherhood Ratify National Agreement
Posted OnJanuary 23, 2018 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 23, 2018 TWU Railroad Carmen Ratify National Agreement TWU Carmen along with the TCU Brotherhood have voted overwhelmingly to ratify the National Agreement, with nearly 80% voting in favor. Union leadership called the vote a solid display of confidence in the agreement. The TWU leadership and negotiating team thank the membership…Read More…
TWU Reaches Tentative Agreement with Amtrak
Posted OnJanuary 10, 2018 byOn January 5, 2018 the TWU reached a tentative agreement for our TWU/JCC (Mechanical) and TWU/ASWC (On-Board Service) Members together with our coalition bargaining partners. The Tentative Agreement provides significant wages with full Retroactive Pay beginning with the July 1, 2015 wage increase. Beginning January 1, 2018 members’ Health and Welfare will be frozen at…Read More…
President Samuelsen to President Trump: Doug Parker’s Behavior is Un-American
Posted OnJuly 31, 2017 byTWU International President John Samuelsen fired off a letter to U.S. President Donald Trump yesterday, calling on the White House to stand up and protect TWU members’ livelihoods in their contract fight with American Airlines. The letter calls out the company for its continued offshoring of jobs, a decidedly un-American business model, and a clear…Read More…
Where’s the LUV? TWU Takes on Southwest’s Bogus Disciplinary Practices
Posted OnJuly 21, 2017 byTWU International President John Samuelsen, along with more than a dozen other TWU leaders, wrote a scathing letter to Gary Kelly, Southwest’s CEO. Southwest has written up three employees per day, and fired one every other day – and it has obliterated employee morale. Enough is enough. Check out the full letter here.Read More…
TWU International Hires New Staff
Posted OnJuly 17, 2017 byPlease see this announcement regarding new staff at TWU International.Read More…
New TWU Leadership – A Letter from the IAC
Posted OnJune 26, 2017 byOn Wednesday, June 21, the International Executive Council voted unanimously to fill the vacancies on the International Administrative Committee left open by recent retirements and appointments. Below, please find the new IAC officers and their updated positions: John Samuelsen, International President Alex Garcia, International Executive Vice President Gary E. Maslanka, International Secretary-Treasurer John Bland, International…Read More…
Happy Memorial Day from TWU!
Posted OnMay 26, 2017 byAt TWU, we’re thankful for all our members and every brave service member who has served in the military, and today we’ll take a moment to honor their sacrifices for our country. This holiday is a chance to remember all our fallen but not forgotten heroes. For so many of us Memorial Day is the…Read More…