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AA Association Membership Bulletin: Dues, Membership & Preferential Hires
Posted OnApril 7, 2020 byFor immediate posting and distribution Attention TWU and IAM members: Dues, Membership and Preferential hires Persons who are members of either the TWU or IAM shall remain members of their respective union and will pay dues to that union wherever they may work or whenever or wherever they may transfer within Association covered work groups…Read More…
Posted OnApril 7, 2020 byOn April 6, 2020, TWU International President John Samuelsen sent the letter below to the Federal Aviation Administration and OSHA. Click here for a PDF version. Dear Mr. Dickson and Ms. Sweatt, On behalf of more than 65,000 aviation workers represented by the Transport Workers Union (TWU) of America, I am writing to inform you of…Read More…
Local 501 Secures Stay Home with Pay During Pandemic on 75th Anniversary, with International’s Assistance
Posted OnApril 7, 2020 byOn their 75th anniversary of becoming part of the TWU, Local 501 has secured a tremendous victory. Local 501 members are Fleet Service and Maintenance & Related workers based in LaGuardia and JFK International Airports in New York City – which currently has the highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country. Local 501…Read More…
Letter: Keep Workers Top Priority
Posted OnApril 3, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 3, 2020 Contact: Denise Romano, Unions Call on Treasury to Keep Workers Top Priority in CARES Act Implementation WASHINGTON, DC – The Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) and five other unions representing nearly 400,000 airline and airport workers sent a letter to Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin outlining how to…Read More…
AA Association Update: Implementation Agreement Reached
Posted OnMarch 27, 2020 byMarch 27, 2020 The Association and American Airlines have reached an agreement covering implementation of certain elements of the JCBAs pending successful ratification of those contracts yesterday. The following items cover pay, retirement and certain benefits that are most important to our membership: 1) All JCBA wage rates will be effective the first Monday following…Read More…
AA Association Update: TWU-IAM Ratifies New Contracts at American Airlines
Posted OnMarch 26, 2020 byMarch 26, 2020 TWU-IAM Ratifies New Contracts at American Airlines The TWU-IAM Association today announced its American Airlines membership overwhelmingly ratified contracts covering more than 30,000 Mechanic & Related (including Maintenance Control Technicians & Maintenance Training Specialists), Fleet Service and Material Logistics Specialists/Stores members. Percent Voting Yes: Mechanic & Related: 90.94% Fleet Service: 95.45% MLS/Stores: 92.12% “The…Read More…
AA Association Update: JCBA Voter Guide
Posted OnMarch 23, 2020 byMarch 23, 2020 As we move closer to the ratification vote for the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements with American Airlines, we wanted to provide the members with a sample of the information that will be provided over the next few days via US Mail or by AA Company email. In the unlikely event a member…Read More…
The TWU Opposes the Senate Republican Stimulus Proposal and Demands Immediate Relief for Workers
Posted OnMarch 22, 2020 byFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 22, 2020 Contact: Travis Reuther, The TWU Opposes the Senate Republican Stimulus Proposal and Demands Immediate Relief for Workers In response to the Senate Republican stimulus proposal, the following statement should be attributed to John Samuelsen, International President, Transport Workers Union of America (TWU): “The Senate Republican stimulus proposal is…Read More…
COVID-19 Update from the TWU International Administrative Council
Posted OnMarch 20, 2020 byMarch 19, 2020 Dear TWU local leaders and members, As we all continue to grapple with the unprecedented public health and economic crises caused by the coronavirus, I wanted to reach out to brief you on the efforts which the International has been making on behalf of our members’ health, safety, and economic welfare. I…Read More…
AA Association Update: Electronic Ratification Voting
Posted OnMarch 19, 2020 byMarch 19, 2020 Due to worsening circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus crisis in the United States, the TWU/IAM Association leadership has been working on an alternate method, in the voting procedures, for the ratification of the tentative Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements with American Airlines. This exception to the normal voting process will convert the process from…Read More…