Protect Veterans’ Health Care by Calling Congress Now
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 02 Jun, 2016 TWU’s Veterans Committee is asking all our TWU brothers and sisters to reach out to Congress on behalf of the men and women who have served in the armed forces and receive their health care from the VA. Some in Congress are looking to shut down the entire VA health care…Read More…
Get Your Union, In Your Hands
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 27 May, 2016 Are you one of the 4,000 TWU members who’ve already downloaded the TWU App? It’s available now for Apple and Android phones. Make sure you get the most out of the app by turning on push notifications, which will pop up as alerts with breaking news directly from TWU International. To…Read More…
President Lombardo Addresses Penn. AFL-CIO
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 06 Apr, 2016 International President Harry Lombardo addressed the 42nd Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Convention today, speaking on the theme of “Solidarity is Power.” President Lombardo is joining both of the Democratic presidential candidates and other union leaders in Philadelphia this week and addressed the more than 700 delegates this morning. “I’m grateful to the Pennsylvania…Read More…
On the Terrorist Attack in Brussels
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 22 Mar, 2016 TWU expresses its deepest sympathy for the victims of the terrorist attack in Brussels today, and stands in solidarity with their families. Our thoughts are with all the people of Belgium and we thank the brave workers on the front lines of transit and aviation security. Every day across the world,…Read More…
Remembering a Leader in TWU Style
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 24 Mar, 2016 On a cloudy Saturday in mid-March, TWU Local 2015 paid tribute to the late James Riley, former president of the local, during the 41st annual Wilmington, Del., St. Patrick’s Day parade. Brother Riley died unexpectedly last April and the local and his family felt that honoring his memory in the parade…Read More…
New Video Highlights TWU’s Legislative Success
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 30 Mar, 2016 Everyone in the transportation industry breathed a sigh of relief when the president signed the FAST Act (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation) into law at the end of last year. But did you know what a pivotal behind-the-scenes role TWU members played to get the bill passed? In a video that debuted at the recent Legislative…Read More…
Supreme Court Decision a Momentary Victory for Workers
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 31 Mar, 2016 This week, the Supreme Court officially deadlocked in the Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association case, effectively allowing the lower court’s decision in the case to stand. It was a victory for organized labor, but only a temporary reprieve from other harmful anti-worker cases making their way through the judicial system. The…Read More…
Just in Time for Election 2016, New Action Figures!
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 09 Mar, 2016 Remember the fun you had with your G.I. Joes, Barbies and Star Wars play sets? In the third of our Voter Registration Campaign videos, you’ll find the civic duty of voting can be just as much fun! Be a real American voter! Watch and share our video #TWULegConRead More…
TWU on the Supreme Court and Election 2016
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 16 Mar, 2016 This week President Obama fulfilled his Constitutional duty by nominating Merrick Garland, a chief federal appeals judge, to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court. Speaking at TWU’s legislative and political conference last week, International President Harry Lombardo made the connection between the Supreme Court, the 2016 election, and…Read More…
Letter in Support of Transit Assistance Act
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 13 Oct, 2011 On Wednesday, October 12 TWU International President James C. Little sent a letter to all House of Representative members in support of the Carnahan/LaTourette Transit Assistance Act. Dear Representative: In the face of some of the highest ridership on public transportation ever, 85% of transit systems across this nation are struggling…Read More…