Fleet & Ground Service Workers at AA Reach Tentative Agreement
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byFleet & Ground Service Workers at AA Reach Tentative Agreement Published 26 Oct, 2011 The TWU Fleet Service and Ground Service Bargaining Committee at American Airlines, representing more than 11,000 workers at dozens of locations across the United States, has reached a tentative agreement for a new four-year labor contract. The proposed pact includes a…Read More…
Local 100 Takes a Stand
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 22 Dec, 2011 On Thursday, Local 100 members, along with its transit allies and other union members, took a stand against New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) recently proposed contract demanding cutbacks and concessions. As the night sky fell over them, members lit up 2 Broadway outside the NYCT Headquarters as they stood along…Read More…
Local 252 Members Ratify New Contract
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 12 Jan, 2012 TWU Local 252 members overwhelming voted to ratify a new contract with Veolia Transportation Inc., the company responsible for the new Nassau Inter County Express (NICE) bus system in Nassau County as of January 1. The contract was ratified by a tally of 400 “Yes” votes 29 “No” votes by fixed…Read More…
TWU Members Lobby Against HR7
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 16 Feb, 2012 TWU members from the Rail and Transit divisions joined forces with other Amtrak workers and their brothers and sisters from UNITE HERE and TCU Feb. 13-15 on Capitol Hill to have their voices heard against the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act (HR7) that would eliminate all dedicated funding for public…Read More…
Local 250-A Files Legal Challenge to Undo Imposed Contract
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 25 Feb, 2012 This week TWU Local 250-A filed a petition in the California Superior Court to have last year’s arbitrator’s decision, that imposed a contract on Muni Operators, overturned. The filing is against the numerous violations of law and procedure, such as how the makeup of the Mediation/Arbitration Board violated provisions of the…Read More…
Say ‘NO’ to Governor Cuomo’s Assault on Retirement Security
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 19 Mar, 2012 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Tier 6 pension proposal would cut retirement benefits by 40 percent by reducing the multiplier used in determining benefits from 2 percent to 1.67 percent; raising the minimum retirement age to 65, excluding all overtime from pension calculations and changing the Final Average Salary calculation period…Read More…
Hyundai-Rotem Workers Win First Contract
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 17 Jan, 2012 On December 10, Hyundai Rotem workers at the South Philadelphia railcar plant ratified a first contract by an 88 percent margin. The contract, negotiated by a team led by President John Johnson, Jr., established job security, a grievance procedure, and included gains in wages and benefits. As International Rep. Jerome LaFragola,…Read More…
11 Most Promising Moments of 2011
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 05 Jan, 2012 Last year, 2011 will be known as the year people stood up to anti-union legislation and governors, corporate greed and forming solidarity across the nation against the attacks on workers’ rights. Here are the 11 most promising events from 2011. 1. Occupy Wall Street Inspires the 99 Percent to Fight Back…Read More…
Transportation Learning Center Update
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 04 Jan, 2012 The Transportation Learning Center (TLC) recently issued its updates for transit frontline training from Cost-Shared Consortium Development of Transit Training,Linking School-Based and Work-Based Learning for Good Careers, Future Direction of the Center: Strategic Planning and Reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU as well as comments from team leaders about the importance and results of…Read More…
TWU Fights Back Against Attacks on Transit Workers
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 02 Apr, 2012 “What do we want? Safe buses. When do we want it? Now!” could be heard loud and clear on March 26 as members from Local 234 in Philadelphia continue to demanded justice for victims of transit violence. The demand for justice comes after another attack on a bus operator occurred…Read More…