Working Women’s Committee Conference
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 03 Apr, 2012 Local 100 and 234 co-hosted the Transit, Utility, University and Rail Working Women’s Committee Conference which brought together women from TWU Locals 171, 101 and numerous other unions, such as the Teamsters and SEIU. The conference was a 3-day event that consisted of speakers, plenary sessions and an awards ceremony recognizing…Read More…
Transit Unions Thank Sen. Menendez
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 27 Apr, 2012 TWU and other transit unions recently wrote Sen. Menendez of New Jersey thanking him for his leadership for maintaining transit funding in the Senate’s surface transportation bill. You can read the letter here. …ReturnRead More…
TWU Stops SEPTA Outsourcing in its tracks
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 28 Jun, 2012 TWU Local 234 won the first round in the fight to keep the overhaul of 176 wheel-assembly units for the Market Frankford El rail cars in Philadelphia. On June 15, Common Pleas Court Judge Idee Fox entered an order prohibiting SEPTA from outsourcing the M-4 trucks pending further discussions with the…Read More…
Banks Get Bailed Out, Transit Riders and Workers Get Sold Out
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 06 Jul, 2012 The City of Philadelphia, the School District and SEPTA, at a time when all are hard pressed to make ends meet, are paying millions of dollars to Wall Street banks to service debt. These payments include bad interest swap deals the banks negotiated that have cost the City an estimated 331…Read More…
TWU Members at NASA Launch Campaign
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 07 Aug, 2012 NASA Firefighters are under attack but they’re fighting back. NASA has awarded their Fire Services contract to a company named G4S GS. G4 GS is now attempting to slash NASA Firefighter pay and retirement benefits by 20%, but TWU Local 525 is fighting back. The local has been picketing 5 days…Read More…
Grants Available To Help Those Impacted By Hurricane Sandy
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 02 Nov, 2012 Union Plus Disaster Relief Grants of $500 are available to help eligible participants in the Union Plus Credit Card, Insurance or Mortgage programs who are facing financial hardship due to the disaster. The money does not have to be repaid. Funds are limited to the nearly $370,000 available in the Union…Read More…
You Made it Happen!
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 07 Nov, 2012 The results are in and President Obama has won! Thank you to the hundreds of TWU members around the country who tirelessly phone banked and canvassed to get out the vote these past few months. Your hard work got people to the polls and vote for a president who supports…Read More…
Durham Drivers Vote TWU
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 16 Nov, 2012 TWU welcomes its newest members the bus drivers and monitors of Durham School Services in Burleson and Weatherford, Texas as they overwhelmingly voted to join TWU for a voice on the job. “TWU will go to bat for us and help us with our workers’ rights,” said Jay Gunter a bus…Read More…
TWU Calls on Congress to Act After GOP Blocks Transportation Bill
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 03 Aug, 2013 WASHINGTON, D.C. — International Vice President and Transit Director Jeff Brooks, at the request of, Senate Democrats Barbara Mikulski (speaking), Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Charles Schumer, and Patty Murray stood shoulder to shoulder with them during a press conference held at the Capitol on August 1. The Press conference was called to discuss the impact on the livelihood of…Read More…
A Letter to the Federal Transit Administration from TWU and ATU
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 08 Aug, 2013 The Honorable Peter M. Rogoff Office of the Admini strator Federal Transit Administration East Building. 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 Dear Admmistrator Rogoff: This is to follow up on the recent meeting between the joint ATU-TWU Safety Committee and Vincent Valdes, FT A’s Acting Associate Administrator in the…Read More…