Countdown to June 4 Festival for Florida’s Future
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 17 May, 2011 TWU is taking a lead role in organizing this day of activism, education and music will serve as a kick-off for a larger, sustained campaign to organize working people from all backgrounds and walks of life to take action in meaningful, effective ways that make a difference in the lives of…Read More…
May 12 Rally to Make the Banks Pay
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 14 May, 2011 On May 12 the streets of the New York City financial district rang with the chants of 20,000 people including transit workers, teachers, students and community activists who disrupted the normal work day to tell the big banks to pay up and stop the cuts to public services. The vibrant and…Read More…
Protests Against Cutting Public Education as Governors Visit D.C.
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 11 May, 2011 Anti-worker governors from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania who were attending a right-wing conference on privatizing education in Washington, DC on May 9 were met by hundreds of protestors who oppose drastic budget cuts and plans to decimate public education. Chanting “Save Our Schools” and “Say No To Vouchers,” students and teachers from…Read More…
Helping to Lead the Charge
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 02 May, 2011 TWU Locals are leading the charge to repeal union busting Senate Bill 5 in Ohio by petitioning to put the legislation on the ballot for a public referendum. After Republican Governor John Kasich and his anti-worker allies rammed the bill through the state legislature, union members, progressives, clergy and middle class…Read More…
Workers Memorial Day: Honoring the Fallen and Fighting for Justice
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 28 Apr, 2011 Across the country on April 28, Workers Memorial Day, people will remember the workers who have lost their lives on the job at rallies, vigils, worksites, and houses of worship while demanding safe workplaces where people can go to work every morning knowing they will return home safe and sound. Each…Read More…
On May Day Imagine No Workers
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 27 Apr, 2011 On May 1, international workers day, TWU members wearing “Imagine No Workers” buttons will take to the streets of major cities nationwide to remind people that they rely on workers to drive their buses, fix their planes and keep the rails safe. The mobilization will kick off a month of national…Read More…
Our Terminal Our Work
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 13 Apr, 2011 Bustling midtown Manhattan was met with chants of “It’s Our Terminal, It’s Our Work” and a giant inflatable rat as hundreds of TWU members rallied outside of Qatar Airways U.S. headquarters on April 12 to protest the airline not using TWU Local 501 members when it begins operations at JFK International…Read More…
Anniversary of TWU’s Founding
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 13 Apr, 2011 Seventy-seven years ago, TWU was founded on April 13, 1934 in the midst of the Great Depression when transit workers stood up to exploitation and demanded their rights. New York City transit workers had tried to unionize before, but the powerful transit companies squashed four major strikes between 1905 and 1919….Read More…
We Are Ohio
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 12 Apr, 2011 Tens of thousands of Ohioans, including a large contingent of TWU supporters, turned out Saturday to kick off the referendum drive against SB5, the anti-middle class bill signed by Ohio Governor John Kasich. The media reported that the April 9 demonstration was the largest Ohio rally yet. People are more determined…Read More…
The Birth of a Fight Back Movement
Posted OnOctober 31, 2016 byPublished 08 Apr, 2011 TWU members were key players in the nationwide mobilization of over a million workers, students and community members that produced at least 1,200 activities around the country on April 4th. It was a message to the rich and a sign of things to come. It was the beginning, not the end….Read More…