<p style=”color: rgb(74, 74, 74);text-decoration: none;text-transform: none;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”>The Transit, Universities, Utilities and Services Division held the first ever Transit Reauthorization Legislation Education and Training Conference on March 9 and 10 in New Jersey. </p>
<div>There were over 80 participants representing Transit, Air and Rail Divisions from across the country. The conference focused on all aspects of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill, a vital piece of legislation that directly affects over 55,000 TWU members and all of the communities that rely on public transportation. </div>
<div>The International Leadership, Division Staff, Local Officers, State Conference Chairs, Activist and the Government Affairs Department came together to kick off an aggressive campaign to engage our locals and members in support of passing a long term and well funded Transportation Bill. </div>
<div>The conference attendees enjoyed presentations on the legislative process, privatization, 13c protection, comfort breaks, operator assaults and internal organizing. There were special presentations by acting FTA Administrator Therese McMillan and Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop. International President Harry Lombardo and International Administrative Committee Officers addressed and participated throughout the conference as well. President Lombardo encouraged the conference attendees to aggressively participate in this campaign and stated that “The real work begins when we leave this conference.”</div>
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<div>Moving forward, TWU’s Transit Reauthorization Campaign will involve phone banking, letters to elected officials and district lobbying visits. Additional tasks will roll out as the campaign progresses.</div>
<div>Transit, Universities, Utilities and Services Director Jerome Lafragola said, “One goal of this conference is to create a synergy between the staff, local officers, members, divisions and departments to harness the full power of the TWU, to affect a more positive outcome.”</div>
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