Published 28 Jul, 2011
TWU members and retiree’s attended the TWU Texas State Conference meeting this week hosted by Local 555 in Dallas, Texas to prepare for the ongoing political struggles and hear from featured guest speakers Texas State Senator Wendy Davis (District 10) and Texas AFL-CIO Vice President John Patrick.
Senator Davis spoke of the political battles targeting those who can least afford the financial cuts and elimination of health and human services, particularly the elderly, unemployed and children who are unable to fight back against these attacks. Senator Davis reminded everyone of last year’s drubbing in the mid-term elections when democratic candidates lost badly. Voters were stirred up for change – change that was fostered by voter anger, distrust and ample Tea Party rhetoric. Senator Davis said that elections have consequences, which are being played out today in Washington and statehouses across the country.
The Republican House “super majority” is seeking to redistrict the very few democratic strongholds in Texas and Senator Davis’s district is on their hit list. She won the 52 percent Republican majority district in 2008 and since taking office has stood firm on her commitments to her constituents. Republicans in Austin want to see Davis gone, but her constituents support her and she has done a remarkable job standing up against Republican led cuts.
Through the state conferences, TWU is able to get boots on the ground at a moment’s notice, when and where they are needed, and many TWU members and union labor activists came to Austin during the last legislative session to make oral statements before the legislature voicing their displeasure against District 10 redistricting attempts and in favor of Senator Davis. The final verdict on the redistricting may have to be settled through the court system.
John Patrick, a retired United Steel Worker and currently serving as Vice President of the Texas State AFL-CIO, recognized the conference attendee’s recent accomplishment in blocking Texas House Bill 2986 that squarely targeted a labor unions’ right to collect dues through payroll deductions. The bill also limited members from lobbying and other forms of political activism. Patrick echoed strong support for the State Conferences and their ability to network, communicating effectively and focusing political activists from around the state.
TWU members also provided updates on events at their locals, Thom McDaniel Local 556 President spoke to the seniority integration challenges between Southwest Airlines and Airtran employees, as did Robert Bettinger TWU Local 555 district 5 representative from Houston. Several American Airlines members reported on their stalled contract talks with the company and International Representative Jose Galarza updated the conference on the upcoming divestiture of American Eagle Airlines by AMR Corporation.
TWU Cope Field Assistant Gwen Dunivent, who chairs the Texas State Conference meetings, reminded the audience to call their legislators over the debt ceiling gridlock and the FAA Reauthorization Bill shutdown.
The next Texas State Conference is tentatively scheduled for late September in Austin, Texas.