February 9, 2019
Brothers and Sisters,
The Association Executive Committee met with the assigned mediators and a member of the National Mediation Board to gain a better understanding of the remaining open items. The robust dialogue was productive and ensured the meetings would continue throughout the week.
We were able to resolve and TA the M&R/MLS Field Trip guidelines. We addressed the Fleet Crew Chief duties as part of our Classifications and Scope discussions. That section is settled, leaving the remainder of these Articles to be resolved.
In Atlanta next week, we will continue to seek a resolution to the Fleet Service Classifications and Qualifications Articles. We will also refocus next week’s discussions in Atlanta on the open Scope items for all groups.
The Executive Negotiating Committee continues to update the full negotiating committee each step of the way and, foolishly, the Company believes that our members are willing to make Scope concessions that will pay for the pay raises and other gains in this contract. American Airlines must recognize that this membership will not fall for fool’s gold just to reach an agreement and that we have every intention of achieving the best contract in the industry.
Our membership sacrificed through bankruptcies and concessions in order for American to become the world’s largest and most successful airline. The time is now for this membership to be recognized and rewarded for those sacrifices. American Airlines must understand: if it takes a fight to get there, it is a fight they shall have.
Company Executives have spent billions on stock buybacks that enrich themselves and Wall Street. It is an insult they are not willing to spend what it takes to protect our work, health care, retirement benefits and increase our pay.
Company negotiators made it as clear as they could – they want us to concede the work we do. Their proposals and positions at the bargaining table attack every Association classification. They want to eliminate massive numbers of jobs in overhaul maintenance, increase the amount of line maintenance that can be performed by others internationally, decimate the skill and amount of facilities maintenance performed in-house, and vendor out any Fleet work they see fit. Every classification is affected by these draconian Company proposals.
While all the other benefits of our contracts are important, none is more important than the guarantee that our work will be here for us. If you are an Association member reading this message, you are part of this fight. Standing together, we shall prevail!
Future mediation dates scheduled:
- The week of February 11- ATL
- The week of March 18- DFW
- The week of April 22- FLL
Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee